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stray cat游戏(All Through The Night歌词全文)

时间:2023-05-15 13:04:31人气:989 作者:未知

All Through The Night歌词全文

《All Through The Night》

歌手:Cyndi Lauper

专辑:《She is So Unusual》

All through the Night

All through the night

I@ll be awake and i@ll be with you

All through the night

This precious time when time is new

Oh all through the night today

Knowing that we feel the same without saying

We have no past we won@t reach back

Keep with me forward all through the night

And once we start the meter clicks

And it goes running all through the night

Until it ends there is no end

All through the night

Stray cat is crying so stray cat sings back

All through the night

They have forgotten what by day they lack

Oh under those white street lamps

There is a little chance they may see

We have no past we won@t reach back

Keep with me forward all through the night

And once we start the meter clicks

And it goes running all through the night

Until it ends there is no end


Oh the sleep in your eyes is enough

Let me be there let me stay there awhile

We have no past we won@t reach back

Keep with me forward all through the night

And once we start the meter clicks

And it goes running all through the night

Until it ends there is no end

Keep with me forward all through the night

And once we start the meter clicks

And it goes running all through the night

Until it ends there is no end





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