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ground branch武器(圣诞树的来源英语怎么说)

时间:2023-08-07 14:34:25人气:835 作者:未知



阅读下列短文,根据下列提示: 1 )汉语提示, 2 )首字母提示, 3) 语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线

Two little children were sitting by the fire one cold winter night. Suddenly they heard a k________ at the door and one ran to open it. There o________stood a child with no shoes on his feet. He asked to come in and warm________.They agreed. They drew the little stranger to their warm seat and shared their supper with him to________they gave their bed while they slept ________a hard bench. In the nigh they were w________up by sweet music. The stranger child stood before them and said “I am the Christ Child ________( 漫步 ) through the world to bring peace and ________( 幸福 ) to all good children. I’ll give you a gift.” He broke a branch from the tree and p________ it in the ground. The branch grew into a great tree and every year it bore wonderful ________( 金色的 ) fruit for the kind children. 76. knock 77. outside 78. himself 79. whom 80. on 81. woken 82. wandering 83. happiness 84. planted 85. golden







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